Your Life
Couple's Relationship Coaching

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One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.

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Other People’s Opinions

Other People’s Opinions

Do You Worry About Other People's Opinions Of You? Have you ever tried to mold yourself into something you are not just to influence what other people think about you? You may have worried… “What will people think if I try or do that?” “How will they think I look?...

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How Do You Want To Define Your Life?

How Do You Want To Define Your Life?

How Do You Want To Define Your Life?  It Starts With Your Mindset... This is Part III of the Having A Bad Day? series.  Click here to read Part I and Part II. You can have the mindset that you can overcome anything, not because you're smart, not because...

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How To Think About Hard Days

How To Think About Hard Days

So How Do You Want To Think About Your Hard Days? This is Part II of the "Having A Bad Day?" series.  Click here to read Part I If you're one of those people who thinks, "I had a hard day, but I can do hard things. I'm a rockstar and I rocked it out and that feels...

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Having A Bad Day?

Having A Bad Day?

Are You Having A Bad Day? Most people believe being discouraged and depressed means something has gone terribly wrong – it’s not true! Part of the process of evolving is to be able to look at ourselves and acknowledge what's true about our situation and acknowledge...

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Ways To Overcome Anxiety And Stress

Ways To Overcome Anxiety And Stress

In my last post I spoke about why we often try to avoid or resist the feelings of anxiety, but it never works. In this post, I'd like to share ways to overcome anxiety and stress and even how to avoid panic attacks. But first we have to get past... I Just Want To Be...

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Overcoming Anxiety

Overcoming Anxiety

What Is Anxiety? A vibration or sensations in our body caused by a feeling. Generally it is a feeling of worry, fear, apprehension on nervousness. Often it is really a cover emotion for some other difficult feeling and thrives on being vague and unspecific. Anxiety...

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What Are You Willing To Accept In Your Life? A Scrawny Cow?

What Are You Willing To Accept In Your Life? A Scrawny Cow?

I have been amazed these past few weeks how people have been using the Holidays as a reason or excuse to put off doing what they say they really want to do in their life. Making any kind of change in our life always comes down to facing our fears and being willing to...

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Are You Suffering In A Relationship?

Are You Suffering In A Relationship?

  “Isn’t it amazing how we can’t figure out our own lives, but we know exactly what other people should be doing?” ~Brooke Castillo Are You Suffering In A Relationship? Most people believe unconditional love is only for dogs and babies.  We believe unconditional...

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The Game of Life

The Game of Life

Do You Want To Change How You "Play" Your Life? I love playing games of all kinds! It can be anything from rock, paper, scissors to highly competitive board games to a sweaty tennis match. When I play, I am constantly shifting my perspectives, seeing and rising to the...

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