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Couple's Relationship Coaching

Free Clarity Session

One of my greatest superpowers is the ability to see other people’s blind spots or blocks that are holding them back.

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Unveiling the Strength of Three Centers of Intelligence

In both business and life, success often hinges on our ability to navigate various challenges with finesse and agility. But what if I told you that your approach to problem-solving and decision-making is influenced by not just one, but three distinct centers of...

How To Prevent Couples Counseling With Relationship Check In

Relationship Check-In Questions for You and Your Partner I have noticed with all of my clients it is easy to slip into a transactional relationship with your partner where you miss out on closeness and connection without a relationship check in. It is easy to do with...

Navigating Common Relationship Pitfalls: Practical Advice

Our lack of receiving mature love in childhood affects our ability to love maturely as an adult. If you didn’t receive enough mature love and warmth in childhood, you will continue to crave it throughout your life unless you recognize and properly deal with it. Let's...
Most Common Relationship Problems and Solutions

Most Common Relationship Problems and Solutions

People typically come to see me when they are in the middle of a huge transition time and their relationship is often the catalyst. Having worked with so many people, I see common patterns and trends based on the type of relationship they are in. I learned from my...

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How To Stop Drinking Too Much

How To Stop Drinking Too Much

Why Do You Drink Too Much? Buffering with alcohol is one of the things we do, so we don’t have to face the truth and experience the ups and downs of life. We buffer because we expect to feel comfort, pleasure and happiness all the time. We assume we should be happy...

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What Makes You Fat

What Makes You Fat

What is the problem and how did you get fat? What Foods Make You Gain Weight? Over the past 30 years, what we have been told is healthy food and what we should eat, has actually created overhunger and overdesire. The low fat craze doubled the obesity population,...

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Tips To Deal With Frustration Toward Your Kids

Tips To Deal With Frustration Toward Your Kids

How To Stay Sane When You Want To Pull Your Hair Out And Other Anger Management Tips For Parents This is for all you Mothers and Fathers who love your kids dearly AND those adorable kids still have the capacity to send you into the “crazies” at times. I wanted to...

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I Have Social Anxiety

I Have Social Anxiety

Dealing With Social Anxiety It happens to a lot of us... Your spouse RSVP's to their friend's holiday party where you will know no one. A friend asks you to be their plus one at a wedding. There is a mandatory work event. Obligatory dinner with your partner’s family....

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What You Can Expect In Your Life Coaching Session

What You Can Expect In Your Life Coaching Session

What Is The Difference Between Therapy/Counseling And Life Coaching? To help you understand what happens in a session, you need to know the difference between therapy or counseling and life coaching... While there are some areas of overlap between therapy and...

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Let Go Of Inner Resistance

Let Go Of Inner Resistance

Letting Go Of Resistance Rather than allowing life to carry us where we want to go, we spend a lot of time resisting. We assume we need to struggle to get what we want. But what if it is not true? What if you could allow the natural flow of life support you in having...

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How To Stop Criticizing Your Partner

How To Stop Criticizing Your Partner

Why Do We Criticize Others? Criticism brings out the worst in men and women. Men actually think they are good at taking criticism, but it is not true. The reason we criticize someone is that we are trying to get someone to do or accomplish something. Our compulsion to...

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How To Feel Fulfilled In Life

How To Feel Fulfilled In Life

WHAT ARE YOUR UNIQUE SUPERPOWERS? You have qualities and characteristics that are unique to you. When you know who you are, you are inspired to act from that place which creates super powerful results. DISCOVER YOUR SUPERPOWERS Bring to mind something you do that you...

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Is It True People Never Change?

Is It True People Never Change?

So why don't people change even if they say they want to? I hear reasons all the time of why people think they can't change, when talking to potential clients about coaching. They want to change their life, but don't seem to be able to or know how.... Here are the top...

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“My worst day in a while turned into my best day in a while today – this was the first time I made a conscious choice to “fight back” whenever I went down the road of trying to figure out what other people thought of me. While there were definitely a lot of rough spots, that was the most fun I’ve possibly ever had with people I didn’t know well, and I didn’t have to fight nearly as hard at the end of the night and just sort of had fun. I also fessed up to what happened today, and was very surprised by the complete absence of shit given by everyone. People literally just laughed it off and moved on.

Thank you for the prod to be honest. I feel infinitely less conflicted now.”

Dan Q